Forschungsprojekt 1

nutri-senex - Improving the Quality of Life of Elderly People by Co-ordinating Research into Malnutrition of the Elderly

Project work plan


This work plan is divided into seven different components, called Work Packages (WPs), which represent the main areas of activity within the project. These different WPs are summarised below.


WP1: Project co-ordination & further development

This work package is responsible for all other work packages. Work package one includes the resources for all the project meetings, developing the project's web site, informing partners of the project's progress and also to monitor the progress of the network in completing tasks and achieving the deliverables and milestones.


WP2: Mapping of current research activities & centres of excellence

This part of the project will assemble much of the fundamental knowledge that will underpin the project's other work packages. Through patent and literature searches partners will be able to assess the current state of the art, to identify which technologies are suitable for further exploitation. A mapping of centres of excellence in research into nutrition and care for the eiderly will also be produced within work package two; this will be used to identify leading players in the European Research Area.


WP3: Co-ordination of European research activities

The project aims to co-ordinate and direct European research activities in the field. Research co-ordination seminars will be held, where members' other projects are discussed; this will aid wich dissemination of research results and help focus European research. Four expert groups will also be formed to attend meetings that will consist of discussions of common themes of interest and lectures from invited guests: these will lead to final publications.


WP4: Analysis of legislation & recommendations for the future

This work package will build a complete picture of existing legislation at European, national and local level regarding food provision. Any benefits from legislation will be reported, as will potential drawbocks or areas where improvements could be made. A report will also be produced with recommendations and guidelines for future standards and legislation to promote the use of suitable food products for the frail elderly across Europe.


WP5: Mapping of product development

lt is a goal of the project to construct a database of interested food producers and manufacturers, research institutions, and non-governmental agencies involved in food nutritional, or gerontological research. The effectiveness of current activities that are aimed at healthier food for the frail elderly will be studied in order to compile a report an how best to promote food designed for long-life and well-being.


WP6: Implementation strategies

Through workshops and results from previous work packages, a guidance booklet will be produced advising healthcare professionals, nursing staff etc., of the specific dietary needs of the frail elderly. lt will also recommend the best methods for achieving these.


WP7: Dissemination and Technology Transfer

This work package aims to publicise the project and to ensure that its findings and outputs are put into effect. Technology transfer workshops will be held to spread best practice and transfer expertise and know-how throughout Europe.





Ausnahmege-nehmigung für Pflichtschulung gem. §§ 43b, 53c SGB XI von GKV  verlängert

Neue Version 2.0 für 16-stündige Pflicht-Schulung für Betreu-ungskräfte gem. §§ 43b, 53c SGB XI als Selbstlernkurs mit Lernstandskontrollen

Aufgrund der über-aus positiven Reso-nanz auf unsere Selbstlerschulungen für Betreuungskräfte in 2020/2021, bieten wir allen Pflegeein-richtungen jetzt aktuell für 2022 die Selbstlernversion 2.0 für die 16-stündige Pflicht-schulung der Betreu-ungskräfte an.

Schulung für BK-neu.pdf
PDF-Dokument [105.6 KB]
Inhalte Version 1.0.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.7 MB]
Inhalte Version 2.0.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1'007.5 KB]

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